Services Built around you

IT Project Management
We can support you in providing Technically skilled project management of your projects. We can be involved in all elements of your project from defining requirements through to project closure. We also specialise in supporting inflight projects that need support or recovery..

IT Transformation
With wide ranging experience across multiple sectors through our team and our network of trusted specialists we can support your IT transformation programme. From definition and design though to implementation and benefits realisation we provide support for your journey.

Strategic Consultancy
Our Consultants have experience of many diverse sectors, they have been involved in startup initiatives, and large organisations. They are experienced in scaling to enterprise levels business on rapid growth curves, or sustaining in competitive environments and growth to new terratories. Our consultants partner with you, understand your needs and offer you the bespoke support you need to meet your goals.

Training and Documentation
We are used to explaining complex issues simply to different audiences. If you need support developing training or documentation. We can help. Whether you just want to refresh existing documentation or a more thorough creation/overhaul we can find a package to suit you. We can even help with delivery of the training online or face to face if needed.